Important information for any pet parent, especially nervous or anxious dogs.


This is not meant to scare anyone, 

It is meant to explain Dog Law (my thanks to Debbie Connely, FACTS

The Dangerous Dog Act (DDA)1991 was brought into force when there was a lot of worry about dangerous dog's, fighting dog's etc, so this in theory was brought in to protect people from these dog's (the pit bull being the figure of attention)

People misunderstand the law, and there is so much wrong advice given out there on social media.

Sec 1 and Sec 3 are the important ones.

In 2014 the DDA was updated.

Up until then the law only applied in public.

This changed to private places too. 

The law says, (now this is important) If your dog INJURES, not BITES someone, then an offense has been caused.

Even prior to your dog causing injury to someone, if your dog is barking, running up to people, even in a friendly manner, and that person can legitimately say that “they thought your dog was going to injure me”, you might be in trouble, and that might be an offense.

 MY DOG IS FRIENDLY may not be enough. 

Another thing that people don’t realise is that, even though your dog is dressed head to tail in bright yellow. Or you have signs all over your property, warning that your dog's are loose etc.

Even If they come up and ask if they can stroke your dog, and you say NO, but they still  do…………… 


They are good to use, and can help,  but please do not use them as a defence. 

Maybe people don’t understand what YELLOW means, or think they are a guide dog, maybe English is not their first language, or a child that cannot read. 

I know, seems stupid, but it is THE LAW.

So what can you do? 

Protect your dog, put it behind you, stand in front of it, move away. Be rude if you need to

The law expects you to remove the dog from the situation. 

Remember even a muzzled dog can still cause injury if it can reach the threat. 


REVERSE BURDEN OF PROOF, means unlike other laws, you are guilty until you can prove your dog isn’t dangerous.

If you have been unlucky to have the police on your doorstep. Please do not sign the police disclaimer. There is no legal reason or obligation to do so. Signing it gives the police ownership of your dog. Talk to experts and get legal advice. 

Categories: Anxious/nervous dogs, Dog Behaviour, Dog Training, Reactivity, Separation Anxiety